The end of the year provides us the opportunity to look back and give thanks to the Lord: for His presence, for all He has provided, and for the potential of the year ahead.
As a community, we’re turning our attention this year to making an impact with our time and resources. Extend your reach in the Kingdom this Christmas and beyond through the opportunities below.
Check out opportunities in our church here, and scroll down to connect to our local partners or global outreach
For questions, email
Year-End Giving to CornerstoneSF
Ways to give: app, website, check, or for stock donations email our Finance Manager at
Join a team
Currently, the highest needs are in: Parking, Setup & Teardown, Kids Ministry, and Youth Ministry.
Lead or host a small group
Create space for people to grow in their faith and foster a sense of belonging, and find yourself receiving the same! Pastor John has everything ready to show you the ropes and set you up for success.
Got other ways you want to make an impact?
If you have an idea for a ministry expression not currently offered, contact Pastor Odalis to discuss.
Prison Fellowship
Angel TreeEvery year, inmates and their families are separated at Christmas, and kids are the ones most affected. Angel Tree steps into that gap and delivers hope by connecting church volunteers to kids with incarcerated family members. It’s not too late to sponsor kids online, visit the Angel Tree website to virtually deliver aa gift.
Bibles for Inmates
Bibles and Christian resources are often the only way to get hope behind prison bars. Nothing provides hope like the living Word of God, and demand is at an all-time high. A donation online will provide bibles and Christian content directly to inmates and impact their lives through the power of God!
Salvation Army Meal Delivery
Every year, the Salvation Army mobilizes volunteers to deliver meals to elderly and housebound adults, turning what could be the loneliest time of year into a moment of blessing and connection. Grab a buddy and drive over to deliver a meal and hope to those in need in our community! Sign up online.- Thanksgiving Day Meal Delivery: Thursday, November 23
- Christmas Day Meal Delivery: Monday, December 25
City Impact
City Impact exists to bring the Gospel to the Tenderloin, providing for basic needs like food and clothing, providing Christ-centered education to kids grades K-5, and creating outreaches where people can hear the freedom of Christ. Every holiday season, they organize specific in-person outreaches to celebrate the season while making a vital impact. Check out the opportunities and sign up below:- Thanksgiving Outreach: Thursday, November 23
- Pre-Christmas Outreach: Saturday, December 16
- Christmas day Outreach: Monday, December 25
For more information, visit
Rise University Preparatory
Rooted in the Bayview, Rise Prep dreams of being an important neighborhood center, helping retain the gift of racial and socioeconomic diversity and give back to the community through the transformative power of education. Built on the foundation of Christ, Rise Prep has done exactly that since 2016, providing high quality education and equipping students for success throughout their lives.- Year-round service opportunities: Sponsor a Scholar, Mentor or Tutor a Student, Office/Admin
For more information, visit
Operation Christmas Child
Every year, Samaritan's Purse works to provide Christmas presents to children in over 100 countries who otherwise would not receive a gift. These boxes are accompanied by a gospel presentation, exponentially increasing the impact to millions of children.If you didn’t get a chance to pack a box in person, you can pack one online through the end of the year, or give financially to support shoebox collecting, processing, and shipping, as well as ministry partner training and Gospel materials.
To pack a box online, click this link:
Click here for other ways to give to Operation Christmas Child
World Relief: Refugee Resettlement
World Relief’s Good Neighbor Teams commit to walking alongside refugees for 6-12 months as they rebuildtheir lives in the US. These teams offer tangible support as well as a warm welcome and ongoing community to the refugees they are matched with. This is an incredible opportunity to be an extension of God’s grace and hospitality to those transitioning out of dire circumstances and into their new lives.
Learn more online or email Chloe Cahill at