From our campus, in San Francisco, we bring you CornerstoneSF's weekly Sunday message. It is designed for auditory learners who process better without the distraction of visuals. Play the latest episodes to get your weekly dose of inspiration from our teaching team. Additionally, you can explore previous sermons from Pastor Terry Brisbane and guests based on titles or descriptions that interest you.
Stream it here for easy listening or download them to your personal device through Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Play.
From our campus, in San Francisco, we bring you CornerstoneSF’s weekly Sunday message. It is designed for auditory learners who process better without the distraction of visuals. Play the latest episodes to get your weekly dose of inspiration from our teaching team. Additionally, you can explore previous sermons from Pastor Terry Brisbane and guests based on titles or descriptions that interest you. For more information visit
Suffering is an inevitable part of life. But when we live inside God’s redemptive plan, our places of brokenness can spring forth beauty that might not have otherwise been possible.
Invite and share this message with your family and friends and bless them with this great message. If you’re new to Cornerstone and this is your first time watching us, we’d love to say “hello!” Just click on this url to fill out our Welcome Card and one of our community members will follow up with you.
Also if you are in need of prayer, don't hesitate to put in a prayer request at
Song Credits:
Come Now Is The Time To Worship – Brian Doerksen
Brian Doerksen
© 1998 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire)
How Great is Your Name – Passion with Rachel Halbach
Benji Cowart, Chidima Ubah, Jon Harkey, Jon Reddick, Rachel Halbach
© GoBillsMusic | We Are TIM Music | B Reddi Music | Remaining portion is unaffiliated
Springtime – Chris Renzema
Chris Renzema and Hank Bentley
© 2020 Capitol CMG Amplifier | Centricity Songs | Every Square Inch
All music performed by the CornerstoneSF Worship Band under CCLI license No. 48786, CCS No. 8434 #cornerstonesf #liveitoutsf #GrowingUpByGrowingDown
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